Monday, 12 December 2011

Time Management And Focus Management-Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

SBI! Action Guide
As small business owners and Entrepreneurs you know the constant challenge that comes with having to wear all the hats. It's no wonder how easy it is to get overwhelmed and overloaded.

There is always so much, entrepreneurs want to get done, and they all seem to scream "now!" It's hard to see the light when you're up to your ears in work and trying to get it all done. Nothing good ever comes of trying to fit everything in at one time, so we must remember to prioritize and pace ourselves. The productivity tips to achieving our goals are to plan out exactly we want to gain from it and determine the necessary steps to make our goal. In order to ensure a successful outcome and best time management, here are 5 productivity tips to help:

1. Give yourself enough time from start to finish for any project you'll be doing. Keep any deadlines in mind so that you are not crunching to find time last minute. If you get better at allotting enough time to see a project through to completion, you will also get better at delaying new projects until you can finish the first one. The entrepreneurs should emphasize on time management and focus management and they will see that the goals have been achieved without much toil.

2. Create a working environment that is comfortable for multiple hours at a time. Being in an organized place helps to cut down on overwhelming feelings and you'll know exactly where to find everything when you need it.

3. Minimize any distractions to help keep a clear mind. In other words, put emphasis on focus management. It takes more time to refresh our memory of where we left off then to cut the distractions to stay focused. That means turn off your emails and turn off your phone during the duration of focusing on the project at hand.

4. Taking breaks in between projects will help to refresh the brain and allow the creative thinking process to start in a more positive direction. You will be more likely to give 100% of your best effort after you've allowed yourself time to "recharge your batteries". So, next time you find yourself staring at the blank computer screen take a break and come back to it.

5. Plan in regular free days. Most of the entrepreneurs and small business owners I work with tend to have type "A" personalities. You are ambitious. You are driven. You know how to work hard. But, often times our greatest strengths can work against us and become our greatest weakness. Beware however; we all hit the point of diminishing returns. So, to avoid that plan ahead regular free days as well as free weeks.

I've certainly learned the hard way of not doing this. It's called spinning your wheels. This sounds contrarian, but you can truly achieve a lot more simply by doing less. David Allen, author of GettingThings Done, says that productivity is directly related to our ability to learn how to relax. Steven Covey has been saying the same thing as well in his bestseller on '7 Habits of Highly Effective People', where he emphasizes theimportance of "sharpening the saw".

We send in our cars to get regular tune up's. Our computers need to get shut down to re-boot. The athlete's need to recover is just as important as their days of cross training. So, it is no different with you as a business owner or an entrepreneur. You need recover days and even recovery weeks throughout the year for you to stay sharp and give your very best performance as an Entrepreneur.

Keeping in mind each of these productivity tips will help you to stay productive and improve the quality in your work. Time is your greatest tool and it will benefit you when given the chance to be used effectively. Doing the smaller things like starting fresh and having a positive attitude will ensure a successful outcome.

Business Growth Expert, Yoon Cannon has helped hundreds of Entrepreneurs gain dramatic results in accelerating your business growth. A seasoned entrepreneur, Yoon has started, built & sold 3 other companies. Free newsletter & for more info: or call (215) 292-4947

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